Intratympanic Injection
Admin2024-03-13T11:22:42+00:00Categories: E.N.T Knowledge, E.N.T Terminologies, Health|Tags: Ear|
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The eardrum (also called the tympanic membrane) is a thin skin-like structure in the ear. It lies between the outer (external) ear and the middle ear. The ear is divided into three parts - the outer, middle and inner ear. Sound waves come into the outer ear and hit the eardrum, causing the eardrum [...]
What is a Perforated Eardrum? A perforated eardrum is a hole or tear that has developed in the eardrum. It can affect hearing. The extent of hearing loss can vary greatly. For example, tiny perforations may only cause minimal loss of hearing. Larger perforations may affect hearing more severely. Also, if the tiny bones [...]
Myringotomy Tubes or Ear Ventilation Tubes : This is one of the most common procedures that E.N.T Doctors perform. This is a procedure that treats recurrent or chronic middle ear infections that may or may not be associated with hearing loss. It is possible to perform the procedure at the office for an adult [...]